Trésor Vintage takes pride in selling 100% authentic luxury items sourced from a wide variety of places. Our team understands that shopping for pre-loved and vintage luxury items is not the easiest and spotting whether the handbag is authentic or not is an even harder task.
But our customers can rest assured knowing that our business has a special team of authenticating experts that checks every detail rigorously. Not only that, but all of our items go through a double authentication process.
How our team authenticates
First of all, Trésor Vintage can guarantee that every product sold on the website is authentic. All of Trésor Vintage’s products go through an authentication process which is unique to Trésor. Each product is checked by our team of dedicated authenticating experts twice which goes beyond the industry standard. The product goes through quality control in the location that it was sourced, and then once again in the UK. This double authentication process is for your peace of mind.
The industry professionals that are utilised are meticulous in their job and will leave no stone unturned in their confirmation of brand authenticity.
The brands sold do not hold any responsibility in the authentication process of the products sold nor do they assume any responsibility for their placement on our website. Brands sold on Trésor Vintage’s website are not partnered or affiliated with us in any way, shape or form.
Trésor Vintage does not sell fake or counterfeit goods of any kind. Fake or counterfeit merchandise are illegal, and our team will not tolerate them on the website.